
Burnout and warning signs

Cate Huston burnout - search


6 causes

- Overwork

- lack of control

- ‎lack of reward

- ‎absence of fairness

- ‎lack of community

- ‎conflict in values

Relate to psychological safety.

Anxiety - Overestimating the problem and underestimating our ability to solve it

Organisational issues that can be worked on.

Is there training on how to help with burnout?

Employee assistance program

Take the shame away from EAP

Remove the stigma - prominent people using EAP and talking about it

What can you do to help?

Take the person to lunch

Ask - "It seems that you are burnt out. Would you like to talk about it?"

Think about power differential when asking this question

Becoming me shaped again - blog



Askers vs. guessers (Learning to say no)



Ask people about Hobbies (ask yourself too)

What do you do in your spare time?

Remote working - positive


Remote Working - negative

Can't separate work from home life.

Martyrs on film - Monitorama PDX 2017 - Alice Goldfuss


(Thanks to Paul Salmon for the notes!)